Thursday, February 28, 2019

As-Salt, Jordan // November 2018

A rainy day in As-Salt, Jordan, in mid-November. 

This was my first try at really just pointing my camera somewhere and attempting to capture a partial story. It's harder for me with digital than it is with film, because when I shoot digital, I have this (wrong) sense that every photo I shoot and share has to be perfect. I've grown more as a photographer, and I realize now that my style is not always "perfect" as some people may define it. I'm more concerned with capturing a moment and with telling a story than about making sure my shots are always sharp, impeccably composed, or beautiful. I want to shoot photos that put me back in a specific place, photos that make me *feel,* and photos that capture my interest over and over again. I can tell you right now my photos are not for everyone, and that's ok. First and foremost they're for me, and I'm over the moon if other people out in the world see my photos and are interested, touched, or inspired. It's satisfying to create photos this way, and it makes me want to shoot more. (Note to self: actually get out and shoot more.)

Canon 70D, 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6
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